Thank You for Coming (2023) HD Download or Watch Online Free | HDHub4u

Thank You for Coming (2023) HD Download

iMDb Rating8.4/10
ActressBhumi Pednekar, Dolly Ahluwalia, Shibani Bedi
DirectorKaran Boolani

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Movie Review

This movie was initially titled “Veere Di Bedding” following the tremendous success of the Nolanesque masterpiece “Veere Di Wedding.” However, the filmmakers decided to venture into something entirely fresh and innovative with this film. As a clever nod to the censor board, they rebranded it as “Thank You For Coming” (with a big wink). Rest assured, no titles resembling “Thank You For Smoking” were harmed in the making of this movie. Additionally, they infused the film with top-notch humor and even more impressive performances by internet content creator sensations.